Saturday, 2 August 2014

Highlights of the week

It’s been a pretty awesome week this week and so I thought I would share a few of the best moments with you...
Let’s start with the most important. I found dream white chocolate with biscuit in. For ages in the UK you couldn't find it anywhere so when I came here I was most excited to find dream white chocolate. Imagine my excitement then when this week I discovered this new creation! Of course I had to buy a bar or two!

I absolutely love to go to the orphanage and this week I managed to go 5 evenings in a row. We get back from Rehema about half 4 and then I go and spend an hour and a half playing with them, bathing them and then getting them into their pyjamas! It is the best way to end the day, especially when Alexi and I have Swahili banter. Now, whenever one of us says kwa nini (why) in response to a statement the other responds’ kwa sababu’ (because) then  ‘kwa sababu nini’ (because what) and we go round in circles until one of us gives in! That is as much banter as you can have with a Swahili speaking 4 year old and a white person slowly learning swahili! Bathing them is great fun, especially with the older ones. They finish their food and then come over to me, some undressing whilst walking and others walking with their little arms in the air needing some help! Alexi can be a little monster in the bath tub and turned the dial so that the water shot out of the shower head and onto me. His laugh though is so cute that I can’t help but laugh! They love bath time so much and so it is great to be able to give them that little bit of fun, even though I get a few looks from the mamas who just want to get them into bed and even if it gets them a little bit hyper when they should be calming down! When they are all changed into their pyjamas and i’m cuddling them and putting them into their own beds, i could almost forget their horrible pasts, they are just like any other child being tucked into their beds and for that split second i forget they are living in the orphanage.

Some of you may find this next highlight a bit of a weird one. I absolutely love cleaning, tidying and sorting and this week before Rehema reopened after our two week holiday we needed to do just that. It was so much fun! It is such a satisfying feeling when you see what you have achieved. It was a great start to the week and it was such a good atmosphere cleaning with the women. I especially loved Flora and I cleaning together in the workshop, although I really hated all the spiders!  We are very like minded when it comes to cleaning which was fab! Being back at Rehema has been really good and busy and it has been lovely to see all the women again.

Great end to the week...holding a baby that was just 15 hours old! One of the Rehema women had a baby this morning and this afternoon after work I went with some of the women to have a cuddle! It is such an adorable baby. So tiny! I had a moment of panic (much to their amusement) as she was handed to me, as I have never held a baby that young before but her cute facial expressions, tiny tiny hands and feet and watching her sleep in my arms was something special and I thank God for this precious new life.

It’s something like 4 months 9 days until I fly home. I seriously cannot believe how fast this year is going!

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