Friday, 24 January 2014

Hello from my new house!

A big hello from Tanzania!

Amazingly i have got the internet to work in my house so communicating this year will be much easier than i thought! I also have a beautiful new laptop which works...MASSIVE thank you to my wonderful Uncle Andrew who helped me buy it and set it all up for me after mine decided to die the Friday night before i left on the Monday!

When January 20th came round it still didn't seem real that i was going to live in Africa. I am absolutely loving it though! The journey was straightforward and the looooonng bus journey wasn't actually that bad. We arrived at the compound in the evening and it was lovely to have our neighbours (The vink’s) and their children come round with torches and help us with our bags. Nat and I went crazy that evening unpacking and showing each other what we had brought for the house. Instead of being sensible and going to bed after a full day travelling we stayed up late making the living/dining room look pretty and feel like home. It has been really fun unpacking and setting up my room with photos and bunting.

No major disasters have happened yet but we are having a lot of fun with our new house. Woke up to no water on the first morning and then that evening we had no power. Still not sure what was wrong with the water (fixed now) but the problem with the power was that the switch had tripped and all we had to do was turn a dial- which that morning i had glanced at and thought i must find out about that! Fortunately we have kind neighbours! It has been fun and games though with geckos dropping from ceilings and hanging out in our toilet! We have also adopted a baby tortoise which we have named Eugine and as i write this we are letting roam free on the floor for a bit and Nat has just accidentally kicked him...he is still alive! It is also cool that the Vink’s have a calf who was born only last week and they also have an adorable puppy! We were over there this afternoon and i looked around wondering what was more crazy, me living in Africa or me being in a garden with 3 dogs, (one of them  massive!) a puppy and a cow and feeling comfortable with it!
These past few days Nat and I have been finding out what our roles include. It is a long list but i can’t wait to properly get stuck in next week. We went in to Rehema and it was great to see the women again, especially when Gracie clambered over Isabella who was sat down so she could hug us! The kitchen was full of laughter and smiles and it was brilliant!

Nat and I had our first dalla dalla ride with just the two of us today and we survived with no problems! We also had a successful trip to the market to stock up on some essentials and some heavy items as we were kindly offered a lift in one of Go MAD trucks! It feels so normal being here now and coming back to our house in the evenings and feeling so comfortable here. I am sure that there will be many difficulties that we come up against, both at work and in having a house but i am confident that this is where i am meant to be and nothing will be too big to deal with with God by our side. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Hello from Nairobi!

Just a quick post to say I have arrived at the anglican guest house in Nairobi and now making the most of free wifi! A good, safe and smooth journey so far and will complete it tomorrow with a very long bus journey! 

As always the goodbyes were tough but now Natalie and I just can't wait to get settled into our house! 

More from me soon!

Monday, 6 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy new year!

I have never done a blog so you might have to bear with me a bit! I have decided that whilst I am away this will be the easiest way to communicate with you lovely people back home. Those of you who have received my rushed emails on my past trips with numerous amounts of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors will be used to my ‘think it so type it’ approach but I’m hoping that on here I will be able to communicate with you in way that you may be able to understand my rambling!

I fly on the 20th January and so have 13 days left at home. This panics me slightly as I do not feel prepared yet! Since returning at the end of November I have worked in Disneyland for a week, (who would have ever thought I would have that opportunity!) had a lovely surprise family weekend away in Cornwall, worked back at Waitrose, had a family Christmas and celebrated New Year in Scotland with friends from my first trip. These have all been great things to do and an amazing way to end a crazy exciting year but it has meant that I have had less time to organise and prepare for moving away! I thankfully have been able to have another 2 weeks work at Waitrose but this again means I am worried about how little time I have. Apart from worrying about getting everything bought and packed I am feeling surprisingly calm! This makes me worry that I am not worrying…I’m strange I know! I am not looking forward to the goodbyes which I will soon have to start doing but I know that this is what God wants me to be doing this year and I am excited to get there and settle in to my new house. Getting away from this awful weather will be good too!